- All power to the artist

Discussions, opinions and experiences concerning online-self-marketing[...]
icon of group Ambassador Group

Ambassador Group

Exclusive Group for the Ambassadors of Music2Deal - Connect with other Ambassadors - Promote your business - Post news, music offers or wants so that Music2Deal may promote via its news, new[...]
icon of group MBO (Music Business Opportunities)

MBO (Music Business Opportunities)

This group is dedicated to posting opportunities for unsigned artists, producers, and songwriters. A place where music professionals and artists can present their ideas and projects, and new business[...]

Promotions & Publicity for your music in India

Hi, If you are an artist or a label and would like to understand the Indian market especially on how to promote your music in India, please post your questions here and I will answer all such questio[...]
icon of group The Music Business in South Africa

The Music Business in South Africa

The objective of this group is to adress issues that South African Musicians are faced with. The roles venues play in the growth in the music industry in SA as well as where discussions regarding publ[...]