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Booking   Digital & Mobile   Agencies & Brands   Management   Organization   Media   Record Label  

Personal profile

Company profile

zQence entertainment ("sequence") is a full entertainment organisation founded by Ronald Leeuwangh and Frank Eickhoff in 2009. Both always had an enormous passion for music and have been working for over 10 years in several studios spread thru out Europe. In 2012 Maikel Abspoel Joined as a Partner. zQence entertainment's organisation is build around our music studio in The Hague (The Netherlands) and combines music production, songwriting, recordlabel and artist management to guide talent to become full fledged artists. The company has it's own Visuals department wich copes with the visual aspect of music industry (Photography, Web- & Visualdesign and Videoclips) also we work together with several different partners and companies. As a Visual Director Maikel Abspoel runs the daily management of zQence Visual and zQence Events. Specialties: Webdesign, Event Management, Social Media Management, Video production and Photography