offerte canzoni (1)

Break Out

  • 11-nov-2017
  • Dance Electronica
  • English
Break Out
informazioni principali
genere Dance Electronica
lingua English
tempo up-Tempo
  • Cheerful
voce female
autori Peter Fülling
informazioni canzone
This song "Break Out" I composed years ago. Thank you, Michaela, for the professional vocals. "Coming to you directly from the top of the charts" remained a dream (no wonder, I didn' t offer it to anyone). So it's up to you to publish it.
DJ Fokkegarten feat MAW_Break Out 1
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Chalam +
Chalam + 21/09/19 21.58
"WOW! :)"
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21/09/19 21.58
"Hit me!!"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21.58
"Groovt !!"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21/09/19 21.58
Björn Djerf
Björn Djerf 21/09/19 21.58
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 21/09/19 21.58