Songangebote (1)

Whudda Whudda

  • 11.02.2016
  • R&B
  • Englisch
Whudda Whudda
Genre R&B
Sprache Englisch
Tempo up-Tempo
  • Groovy
  • Energiegeladen
  • Fröhlich
  • Tanzbar
  • Heiter
Stimme männlich
Autor AGM
Telling everyone to dance and that everyone can dance
AGM is offering original songs to artists, record labels, producers, commercials, etc., including customized songwriting/composing.
Whudda Whudda
Fotos & Video

Bewertungen und Kommentare

Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21.09.19 21:58
"Good production"
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 21.09.19 21:58
Tim Spencer
Tim Spencer 21.09.19 21:58
"Nice production."
Madam Tone Tasha
Madam Tone Tasha 21.09.19 21:58
"cool !"
Bogdan L
Bogdan L 21.09.19 21:58
Toni Funk
Toni Funk 21.09.19 21:58
Denny  Lara
Denny Lara 21.09.19 21:58
Udo  Kugel
Udo Kugel 21.09.19 21:58
"cool mix and instrumentation"
David Ian Hardwick
David Ian Hardwick 21.09.19 21:58
"Excellent song of its genre :)"
Chalam +
Chalam + 21.09.19 21:58
Paweł Tomaszewski
Paweł Tomaszewski 21.09.19 21:58
"best !"