offerte canzoni (1)

My Treasure

  • 9-mag-2018
  • Pop
  • English
informazioni principali
genere Pop
lingua English
tempo up-Tempo
  • Groovy
  • Happy
  • Uplifting
voce male
autori Mark Rosenberg & Riva Taylor
informazioni canzone
My Treasure is a Pop EDM Song very much inspired by Avicii. Looking for publishing deal or artists to record with vocals to suit.
informazioni autori
Mark Rosenberg is an Australian songwriter based in Cologne Germany. Looking for artists, publishers and record companies to write for.
My Treasure - Mark (2)

Votes and comments

Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21.58
"Schöner Song / Refrain, gute Stimme !! Gefällt mir !"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21/09/19 21.58
Petra       Frankl
Petra Frankl 21/09/19 21.58
Hubertus von Garnier
Hubertus von Garnier 21/09/19 21.58
"coole Nummer :-)"
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 21/09/19 21.58
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21/09/19 21.58