Oferecimento de Artistas (1)

Larissa Tormey

  • 20/dez/2015
    • Country
  • Solo artist
Larissa Tormey
  • Country
Tipo Solo artist
País Ireland
  • English
  • Business Services
  • Live
Larissa Tormey is a Russian-born, Ireland based singer who performs contemporary and Irish Country music. The singer released her debut album, Perfect As I Am, in November 2014. This was followed by the release of her Charity Christmas single, Special Christmas, which was listed among the 6 top Christmas Singles by Irish Independent. BG, based in Belfast, Ireland, approached the singer at the end of 2014 with an offer to sing one of his songs. The two met via Facebook and although they had never met in person, Larissa agreed to do the song. Only A Woman, was released in February 2015, and shot to the Top 100 AirPlay country singles within the first week of its release. The song also premiered on Hot Country channel. A Long Time Coming is a combination of a beautiful Irish melody and heart-touching emotions that will take listeners on journey of nostalgic melodies. The lyrics combined with Tormey's emotional delivery of the song will resonate with many women. As a classically trained vocalist and pianist, Larissa never dreamed that she would ever become an Irish Country singer. Originally from the bustling city of Moscow, the singer/songwriter fell in love with an Irish Farmer and moved to the quieter countryside in Ireland in 2001. And, living on a farm has had a huge impact on her writing, which was influenced by classical, contemporary, jazz, pop and folk music. While Country music is a new genre for Larissa, she sings BG's songs wonderfully – combining her unique style with a new country charm. She said: "BG and I make a good team. He has an amazing ability to write lyrics that touch to the core and once a song is so deep, a singer can't help but sing it with everything that she has." Since bursting on the country music scene, the singer has recorded two other country singles. We're in Love written by UK songwriter, Phil Taylor and released in July 2015 and My Love is like a River written by Larissa herself- released in August 2015. Larissa is currently looking for live gigs and publishing deal. She is recording her second country contemporary album.
A long time coming
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