Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Language skills
French   German   English  
Management   Business Services   Event Agency   A&R   Promotion   Organization   Composer   PR Agency   Booking   Education   Media   Concert Promoter  
Instrumental   Rock & Roll   Unclassifiable   Rock   Dance Electronica   Musical   Brit-Pop   Funk   Jazz   Blues   World   Soundtrack   Experimental   Gothic   Folk   R&B   Alternative   Pop   Indie   Classical   Children's Music  

Personal profile

My name is Rupert Cheek and I live in London, UK. I studied music for many years; including piano from the age of 5 - 22. Having graduated with a BMus in 2002 I went on to postgraduate study (composition for TV & Film) and performed as part of an international arts event (London, Edinburgh, Berlin) through a connection as University. I have worked as a pianist in primary education, been a drummer in various bands, and accompanied singers and songwriters. I'm also a part time composer and working on a music theatre / musical / opera project in my spare time. I’m very curious and I love asking questions, listening, learning and sharing what I’ve learnt. I relish helping people (musicians, entrepreneurs / startups, businesses) to connect online. I have been an active user of Facebook since 2007, Twitter since 2009 and LinkedIn.

Company profile

CheekyFest is an Arts Festival, launching in London & going on a worldwide Tour inc the UK, Europe & the USA, promoted by CheekyPromo, inspired by Opera @waktm which explores what it is to be human, Fundraising for charity & gives business an opportunity to network, Investing in music startups @CheekyStartups - promoted @CheekyPromo