1. lunes 3 de septiembre de 2012 2:10:25
    Andrew James Liles
    How do I delete a few selected songs from my ARTIST offer so I can replace them? It seems that I must delete the entire ARTIST offer in order to post the new songs and re-post all photos and bio again. Am I missing something? I am using a PC with WINDOWS 7 on FIREFOX 15.0.
  2. lunes 3 de septiembre de 2012 9:24:10
    I already had exactly the same problem and nobody could give me a better solution, than to make simply the whole side new. Now I have none more and must not always renew them what is good that's why. But, nevertheless, it would be good if one details could mend or substitute, I have pushed like songs or their titles, but there into no interest
  3. lunes 3 de septiembre de 2012 9:32:48
    Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind
    To everyone who has the same problem: We are very sorry about this mistake and try to resolve the problem as soon as possible! I will let you know when the problem is solved. Best regards, Nicole (Music2Deal)
  4. martes 11 de septiembre de 2012 7:01:04
    Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind
    Good Morning, I want to let you know that from now on you can edit songs within your artist offer without deleting the whole offer. Nicole (Music2Deal)
  5. martes 11 de septiembre de 2012 9:34:25
    Thanks, I will use this so soon to myself possibly is again, Mr.Coon