1. 03 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi 02:10:25
    Andrew James Liles
    How do I delete a few selected songs from my ARTIST offer so I can replace them? It seems that I must delete the entire ARTIST offer in order to post the new songs and re-post all photos and bio again. Am I missing something? I am using a PC with WINDOWS 7 on FIREFOX 15.0.
  2. 03 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi 09:24:10
    I already had exactly the same problem and nobody could give me a better solution, than to make simply the whole side new. Now I have none more and must not always renew them what is good that's why. But, nevertheless, it would be good if one details could mend or substitute, I have pushed like songs or their titles, but there into no interest
  3. 03 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi 09:32:48
    Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind
    To everyone who has the same problem: We are very sorry about this mistake and try to resolve the problem as soon as possible! I will let you know when the problem is solved. Best regards, Nicole (Music2Deal)
  4. 11 Eylül 2012 Salı 07:01:04
    Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind
    Good Morning, I want to let you know that from now on you can edit songs within your artist offer without deleting the whole offer. Nicole (Music2Deal)
  5. 11 Eylül 2012 Salı 09:34:25
    Thanks, I will use this so soon to myself possibly is again, Mr.Coon