
Near East Music2Deal Group

icon of group Near East Music2Deal Group
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Music2Deal - Near East Group - Description: Dedicated to the professionals working in the music field in the Near East Region. The objective of this group is to focus on our members activities and invite international potential professionals to join and establish links with them.

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Do grupy należą

  • Patrick Ruane
  • Antionette Cronje
  • Nicolas McNulty
  • Rozman Abas
  • Ken Will
  • Alekos Vretos
  • Eran Zehavi
  • Gary Davis
  • Nassour Kalombola
  • Christa  Centolella
  • samer eibou
  • Anthony  Saab
  • Bassem Deaibess
  • Usman Bhatty
  • Karim Noujaim
  • Levent Gökalp
  • Gary Chatman
  • Amal  Tomb
  • Mike Massy
  • Ronza Tomb
  • Fadia El-Hage
  • Ghassan Rahbani
  • Abdullatif Hamdan
  • Farah Chouman
  • kenneth chukwunonye
  • Volkan Gücer
  • Mario Christiani
  • Selim Bassal