Title: Music Supervisors

  1. Friday, March 22, 2013 2:12:20 PM
    Julian Angel
    I think Music Supervisors scan music libraries and other lists for keywords right in the song title. Example: If your song is called "Got My Mojo Working" we all know it's going to be an authentic piece of blues. The Music Supervisor, however, will overlook it. His attention will be caught by a title like "Big Bad Blues" or "Downtown Blues" etc. - no matter how "un-bluesy" these songs sound. So when submitting songs in a specific genre, try placing the genre in the title (City Blues, Hurricane Rock, Country Boy...). Have you noticed in talk show when the subject is about sex, they always use either Sex Bomb by Tom Jones, James Brown Sex Machine or Salt n' Pepa's Let's talk About Sex. Seems like they're not very creative during their search. My ten cents worth...
  2. Friday, March 22, 2013 5:36:25 PM
    Árpád Zsolt Domahidi
    Hi Julian, How are you? Well your theory is not so far from the truth… If you dig, and read the FAQ of online production music library sites, they specifically write about this thing, how important is that the title of a song reflects the genre, mood and message of the song. And if you think a bit, simplicity and communication starting from title is always the shortest and best way to get attention. In my opinion, audio supervisors are people who actually do not have time really for too much in depth searching and besides keywords…i think the majority of the time they choose from maximum the first 10 songs that came out from that “scan” or search made. I myself put many times the question: Why my songs are not so much used as I would love to be used in Tv, commercials, Adds, corporate and so one… It is because these libraries find all kind of “scams’’ – yeah for me are scams, that they use in their benefit of extracting money from artist, producers, composers and so one, by offering the possibility to pay for having your music in a specific search among those top 10 songs. Many times you can actually buy key words…like ex. if you have a great action, cinematic, orchestral song. You can actually pay, that in a specific library, every time when a supervisor enters and make a search using those keywords action, cinematic, orchestral, Your song will be among those top ten pieces so that your song will be at least heard by the supervisor if not even used if truly your song fit into his needs… Unfortunately, nowadays with the internet, with super affordable home studio equipment’s and a great bunch of super-hyper intelligent software’s that are making music alone… I mean without any need of musical knowledge, I found this crazy…but this is the reality… Well in this musical ERA, everybody is musician, producer, artis…and Your composition is among those millions and millions of compositions waiting for a miracle…for a chance.. It’s like winning on lottery… But getting back to the point. To have a better chance in getting your music used, licensed,(this is more important to music created especially for multimedia production in use, because if you are an artist and want to have your fans, succes…that’s another story and there song titles are not so important.) you have to be careful and entitle your songs in a way that even if I do not listen your song i should realize what is the message, in what genre can be classified and so one…just from the title.