Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Language skills
Rock   Pop   Dance Electronica  

Personal profile

Songwriter from Switzerland aiming for Pop/Chart music publishing deal. First demo tracks will be available in early 2014. Alex is closely working with a lyricist from the US whose work made it to the finals of the VH1 "Song of the Year" competition twice, and with a vocalist from Australia. Together they are working on an EP for the singer which will be released "when it's ready". Alex originally started composing music in 1989 on a Commodore Amiga. Ever since, he wrote tracks for various purposes, participated in a number of music competitions across Europe and even won some of them. Over the years he honed his skills in writing songs, hooks and melodies, leading to the desire to write songs for artists. Together with a professional team he's now assembling songs that will finally put him on the map of the international songwriting scene.

Company profile