
Основная деятельность
Аудио инженер
Основной стиль
Language skills
Английский   Итальянский  
Студия звукозаписи   Артист  
Инструментальная   Рэггей   R&B   Рок   Поп   Соул   Инди   Фанк   Кантри   Блюз   Классическая  

Личный профиль

Born in Sezze in the province of Latina. At 9 years old begins his musical journey with the help of the father who directs him to the study of the trombone. As a child participates in competitions in ensemble music for youth orchestras and is passionate about the Jazz and Blues. He continued his studies at the Conservatory of Music "O. Respighi" of Latina where he graduated with honors. Playing with various groups learned to play all styles of music ranging from Jazz to Funky and Disco Music, also playing with different classical orchestras, Big Band and collaborated with artists such as Gianni Oddi, Cicci Santucci and Antonello Vannucchi. Over the years, is passionate also to record the music as well as starting a new curriculum of Bachelor of Arts in Audio Engineering at the Italian branch of SAE Institute Milano.

Профиль компании