Song offers (1)

Michael Egleton, Feature Artist, Bob Esterle

  • May 31, 2018
  • Soul
  • English
Michael Egleton,  Feature Artist, Bob Esterle
Main info
Genre Soul
Language English
Tempo down-Tempo
  • Ballad
Voice male
Author Michael Egleton
Release date 2016
Release artist Michael Egleton
Song Description
Behind These Walls is a moving song about the emotions and feeling one may experience during the stormy times of a relationship that has lost it’s flame. Then the carry over that occurs when one transfers all of this baggage to a new relationship, penalizing the new interest for the sins of the past relationship. This song is produce by Wes McCraw, Creekside Audio, Norton, OH and Samuel Haygood, N-DA-Groove Productions, Atlanta, GA. for the independent project from Michael Egleton, That’s Alright “The Rewind”, produced by Wes McCraw and Samuel Haygood with associate producers, Mr K.T. Beats ( Mr Kevin Taylor Jr) of KT Got Beats, Atlanta, GA and Mr Dereck Gelespie, Gee Funk Productions, Akron, OH. This music starts with the keyboard playing a simple melody then the light string ensemble section and orchestra horns delivering that sultry music experience that they can do. Mr Bob Elderle glides in with a few sax licks that paves the way for what’s to come. Mr. Michael Egleton delivers the mail with intense emotion in singing the lyrics for this song that describes what may be going through the mind of someone, male or female, as they ponder their situation. The background voices are just heavenly as they ask the question of the day, What’s going on behind these walls…. What’s going on if someone new should call and want to start a fresh beginning. What exactly is one getting into with a new start with someone new. Jeff M. Writes C.E.O. and chief editor at Odd Nugget Music Magazine said this, “..Love on the rocks, drenched in nostalgia… Michael Egleton’s “Situations” hearkens back to soul’s golden age with flair. This track traipses the edge of consciousness in a haze of anguish. Michael Egleton sings with the raw emotion of classic soul crooners – telling his tale of woe over an elegantly sparse arrangement. “Jumped in my car, went to the bar…” A dimlit bar room creaks as you enter. The gloom is cold welcome. Warmth is a shot glass. Gin’s no tonic for what ails you. ..Thoughts war within – threatening to escape to reality; transform into actions. Her eyes come back into view and you stand – dropping change on the bar before returning home. “It’s just a situation.” Egleton harnesses a lot of classic soul influence in “Situations.” Old and new converge. The spoken word segment feels like a Boyz II Men hat tilt, though they weren’t alone in such tendencies. Regardless, it helps carry the plaintive story and fits well in the song.” - Jeff M. Writes, Odd Nugget (Feb 14, 2018) The song builds up to a powerful ending making a musical statement as everything comes together at the intersection of song, instrument and emotion. Behind These Walls is sure to deliver once it’s exposed to the hearts and minds of the listeners. It evokes emotions as it deals with real life matters of the heart that many of us have found ourselves experiencing. Questions we may ask ourselves and the answers we may receive. I invite you to try the Behind These Walls experience. What is going on Behind These Walls of love......
Author info
Michael Egleton, Jeff M. Writes, Odd Nugget Music Magazine
Behind These Walls
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Christian Meyer-Pedersen 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Great song and production and - Wow! - fantastic voice!"
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Yvonne Wilcox
Yvonne Wilcox 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Tyler Ling
Tyler Ling 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"what a voice - great!!!"
Chalam +
Chalam + 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Man, I love your voice! You have one more fan in me. :)"
Theodor Kalich
Theodor Kalich 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Tolle Soul-Ballade"
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"a touch of class!"
Marilyn Oakley
Marilyn Oakley 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Alexander Sening
Alexander Sening 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Klasse gemacht. Da kann man nur sagen: Barry White lebt..."