Artist offers (1)

Second Hand Rose

  • Jul 25, 2015
    • Rock
  • Band
Second Hand Rose
  • Rock
Type Band
Country China
  • Mandarin
  • Live
Signed to Modern Sky, China's biggest indie label and festival organizer, Second Hand Rose was the first rock band to perform at State-owned Beijing's Worker's Gymnasium. They regularly headline the major festivals in China, finishing the year headlining the Beijing's "National Exhibition Center" on Dec 31st, followed by their performance Shenzhen Midi Festival China on New Year's Day. Over the last decade, the band has received a dozen awards, including several for “Best Band”, “Best Album” and “Best Live Act.” Live Beijing Music chose their Strawberry Festival show as one of the top of 2014. Last October, the band headlined Modern Sky Festival's debut US event in Central Park, followed by a Northeast tour of the US, which attracted rave media coverage, finally putting Chinese rock on the map. Most recently, they performed one of Europe's largest music festivals, Paleo Festival Nyon 2015.
6 采花 Picking Flowers
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Votes and comments

Frank Kozlowski
Frank Kozlowski 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"This style of music I really like Interestingly in the compatible too"
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Chinese rock ... really interesting."
Tyler Ling
Tyler Ling 9/21/19 9:58 PM
Rico Dawson
Rico Dawson 9/21/19 9:58 PM